The remote contains a sc2262 and is powered by a 12V battery.
After a look under the hood of the remote the conclusion was made that a press of a button connect two pins to ground, totally 5 pins are used giving six buttons (see schematic).
To control this from a computer a 74LS05 (hex inverter with open collector outputs) was used (any 7405 should do but if it's going to be powered by the parallel port it won't hurt using a low power one), connecting the open collector outputs directly to the control chip. The 7405 is powered using bit 5,6 and 7 of the data port, this is enough using the parallel port on my motherboard.
inside (the white wire is the antenna)
To control the parallel port this small (linux) program is used, ppdev module has to be loaded.
//Control of remote to remote controlled wall outlets using the parallel port //Written for linux //Written by Mikael Ågren 2009 // //gcc remote.c -o remote #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/io.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <linux/ppdev.h> #include <fcntl.h> int fd; //map bits of pp data port #define PWR (1<<7)|(1<<6)|(1<<5) //used to power buffer #define ROD 1<<0 #define LILA 1<<1 #define GUL 1<<2 #define VIT 1<<3 #define SVART 1<<4 #define ON ROD #define OFF LILA #define ONE GUL #define TWO VIT #define THREE SVART unsigned char setParPortData(unsigned char data) { ioctl(fd, PPDATADIR, 0); if(ioctl(fd, PPWDATA, &data)) { printf("error writing to port"); exit(2); } } delay_enough() { char i; for(i=0; i<5; i++) { delay_1s(); } } delay_1s() { time_t t; time_t old_t; old_t = time(NULL); while ((t=time(NULL)) < old_t+1) { } } void printHelp(char **argv, int exitcode) { printf("usage: %s reciever on|off\nreciever = 1, 2 or 3\n", argv[0]); exit(exitcode); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc!=3) { printHelp(argv, 1); } printf("Försöker öppna /dev/parport0\n"); fd = open("/dev/parport0", O_RDONLY); if(ioctl(fd, PPCLAIM)) { perror ("PPCLAIM"); close(fd); return 1; } printf("/dev/parport0 öppnad\n"); unsigned char out=0; //which reciever if(!strcmp(argv[1], "1")) out |= ONE; else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "2")) out |= TWO; else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "3")) out |= THREE; else printHelp(argv, 1); //which state if(!strcmp(argv[2], "on")) out |= ON; else if(!strcmp(argv[2], "off")) out |= OFF; else printHelp(argv, 1); //keep buffer powered out |= PWR; printf("%x\n", PWR); setParPortData(PWR); delay_enough(); printf("%x\n", out); setParPortData(out); delay_enough(); printf("%x\n", 0); setParPortData(0); close(fd); return 0; }
Wrote some simple scripts so i can wake up to the smell and sound of fresh coffee in the morning
remote 3 on
remote 3 off
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then echo "usage: $0 now" echo " $0 HH:MM" exit -1 fi timeoff=$(date -d "$1 30 min" +%H:%M) $(echo kaffeOFF | at $timeoff) if [ "$1" = "now" ]; then void=$(kaffeON) echo $void else timeon="$1" $(echo kaffeON | at $timeon) fi